Give with Purpose

Shop our gift catalog and help end spiritual and physical poverty for an individual, family or entire community.

Image Collage of African people from Petros Network projects

How It Works

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

The items you’ll find in the our gift catalog showcase the transformative work Petros Network is doing among the unreached and underserved. Each item reflects a part of our mission to end spiritual and physical poverty.

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Step 1

Select a Gift

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Browse through our different gift categories to find a gift that is right for you.

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Step 2

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Checkout easily and securely in just minutes.

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Step 3

Downloadable Cards

Download a free personalized greeting card to present to a loved one.

The Gift of Redemptive Lift

Below are three main ways to help create Redemptive Lift and end spiritual and physical poverty: plant a church, empower a woman, or feed a child.

Shop by Gift Categories

Choose the category that stirs your heart.

You can support a church planter, lift children and women out of poverty, improve health and well-being, promote education, provide clean water, or launch sports initiatives to build character among youth.